I finally got my schedule for Physical Therapy. I will be doing my therapy three times a week. I'm excited to get therapy but I know it will be hard for me to keep my schedule videos on You Tube. I know on days when I'm not doing Physical Therapy I will need to rest my bones and body but I will continue to do videos but I feel that I will be able to record a video a week on each channel. I will inform you all what day I will be able to have a video for all who supports my channel. I will make a video on my You Tube Channels about the schedule. I have two channels and I like to be fair and so I will upload videos once a week for both channels unless I'm having a good week then I will try to add an additional video. As soon as I'm done with Physical Therapy then I will get back to my regular schedule and that is having three to four videos a week.I will be blogging here on Blogger so I can stay in touch with you all. I hope you all that support my channel understand my situation and I really do appreciate all of you and your support. YOU ALL ARE THE BEST. THANK YOU for your views they mean a lot to me and THANK YOU for CARING. I LOVE YOU ALL.
