This week has been a great week so far. I know it is WEDNESDAY and there are a few more days to go but the way I feel compared to last week I want to rejoice. I decided to write a blog today on my feelings or my thoughts about me like my life. I have physical therapy tomorrow and I'm pumped up for it. I always feel better when I have physical therapy. It is like a great relief of stress and a nice stimulate energy for the brain. I have not felt this good in a long time and I'm so thankful for GOD and all HE has done for me.
I was able to import three videos to my channel for this week and it is just Wednesday. I'm excited about that because for a couple of weeks I was barely able to import one video a week. I was excited to get a video request. I was so happy to have gotten a response from a subscriber on You Tube that requested a particular video. I am so proud of myself for my dedication and devotion to my channels. I want all women to feel beautiful inside and out. We are all beautiful and lets keep that in mind. One person sent me a message and the message was so sweet I cried. Anytime you get a heart warming message and that you can inspire someone to love themselves and do what they have dreamed of doing that is a wonderful feeling. It is a feeling in this world that is so rewarding and so miraculous.
I had some maintenance work done this week actually the past couple of days. My kitchen needed some repair work on the ceiling. I been here at home relaxing and watching a few videos on You Tube as well. I was scheduled today to get another injection of Iron intravenously but I decided that I would not continue the IV injection of Iron. I was so sick last week from all of that so I decided to go back to the Iron supplement pill. I am so sensitive to Iron like my body such as my stomach gets nausea and irritated. I know I gotta do what I gotta do. I will be visiting another specialist very soon like in a month for my legs. I mentioned that my legs hurt a lot and so I am scheduled to see a doctor that specializes with the veins of the legs. My body swells but not as bad as it use too. I will get my veins checked out by the specialist just in case of varicose veins or something that could be causing the swelling.
I will be importing one more video for this week on this channel and a video for my other channel. I want to do another blog on a couple of palettes. I will try to do that blog this week or next week. I got a few blogs in mind I like to publish as well. In other words I will eventually blog more than I have been. I love to write this is so fun to do. I said write but I mean type. I don't have a schedule right now but I will eventually figure out a schedule because I love to be organized but right now I'm all over the place with appointments and things I have to do on a weekly basis. Eventually, I will get a schedule so all of my subscribers or viewers will know when I will have videos and blogs imported or published on my channels. I gotta go at this moment so I will have a video very soon like in a day or two. LOVE YA!!!
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