This week has been very hard and difficult. I have been sick with a sinus and middle ear infection. I had a day of physical therapy but could not do the other two days for this week. I had appointments this week that I couldn't cancel so yeah just say THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY. I went to a doctor appointment for my Iron level and it was extremely low. I had a IV injection of IRON and I feel so sick. I don't think my body can take that high amount of IRON at one time. I ask the nurse how many mg of IRON and she said, "400 mg and that is like two months of IRON medication." My mouth dropped and I have been sick every since the injection of IRON Intravenously.

           I know that IRON is essential for the body and I know I need the IRON but it is too much for my body the entire 400 mg at once. I will talk to my doctor and try the supplement IRON pills for a while. I do have good news the Physical Therapy helped my situation with my legs, etc. I feel so much better and I lack a week and I'm done. I think I will wait another week because I have to see a specialist for veins very soon. It is to do an evaluation because of the consistent swelling in my legs. I was told that the root of the problem is the swelling of my legs that cause the pain and problems that I have physically at this time. I will go see a specialist soon and get evaluated and be sure nothing is wrong with my veins of the legs etc.

          I am somewhat happy and somewhat not so happy. I mean I never thought I would be in a situation like this but we never know our future and what it brings. I have been like this physically since the car accident and it has been a struggle just trying to figure out why I pain and why I swell a lot but I know through CHRIST that strengthen me will give me all I need physically to overcome all obstacles that get in the way of the fulfillment of HEALTH to the GREATEST DEGREE. My FAITH keeps me going and my JOY is CHRIST and knowing HE is with me always and forever.

         I will have a couple of beauty hauls coming soon in about a week. I will be doing a few reviews/my thoughts videos next week on my You Tube Channel. I have been using or wearing a few cosmetic products and I like to share my thoughts on the products for you all. I hope all is well with all of my supporting subscribers and I appreciate all of you that are patient and send the nice emails to me. I really appreciate all the emails and all the love and kindness that you all express with concern and simply caring about me and all. All of you inspire me each and everyday. LOVE and KISSES to all of you. I will have a few videos next week and excited to share them with you all. LOVE YA!!!  
