My skin can finally produce enough oils naturally as it should with the help of this wonderful product that I have been using persistently. My skin feels so moisturized and so radiant. I have been using the product called Hydra Oil. I have been searching for the right moisturizer that will moisturize my skin and also nourish my skin to help my skin to get enough hydration it needs to look radiant. I heard a lot about oils and I really didn't know which type of oil would be great for my skin. Vitamin E oils are good but I still lacked that radiant glow that I wanted to achieve using the Vitamin E oil. I have to say that maybe I wasn't using the right kind of Vitamin E oil but at least I tried the oil and liked it but still I didn't get the results I desired to achieve. Finally, I was in the Sally's Beauty Supply store and I was at the skincare aisle and I noticed this Hydra Oil. I looked at it and kinda glance at the description and I thought I would give it a try.
Hydra Oil is used for dehydrated skin/dry skin but it is formulated to diminish scars and skin discoloaration. Hydra Oil helps with spots on the skin and stretch marks. All that I have mention is enough for me to use the product and find out if this product works for me. I have skin discoloration from exposing my skin to the sun rays for many hours without SPF and I have a few spots on my face and lovely stretch marks. I have uneven skin tone around my cheeks/cheek bone and the eye area. HYDRA OIL helps to improve the skin of all I have mentioned. The Hydra Oil also helps with mature skin so it never hurts to start a product that helps with that as we all know we get older every year.
My experience using the Hydra Oil is that my skin feels soft, radiant, and I have a beautiful glow. My skin feels and look hydrated all day. I have to say because it is an oil you need to know how much to apply to the skin depending on how moisturized you want your skin to be. I use about three drops of it and my skin is hydrated but my skin gets oily in the evening. The oil actually produces a glow from the product helping the natural oil glands to function properly and I have no problem with that. In fact, my skin does not look dry anymore it actually looks somewhat combination/oily now. I am fine with it because I rather have combo or slight oily skin than dry skin. Dry skin cause so many problems such as premature aging and every problem area on the skin is highlighted in a sense because the skin is dry. Some of that I mention is my opinion and the other is true facts. I do use the Hydra Oil with a Collagen Serum by Dermactin TS. The two together is a perfect blend for my dry skin and my skin health.
Skin Care is important and it is apart of our complete health care regimen. We should take good care of our skin and do all we can do to keep our skin healthy. As we get older it shows if we took care of your skin or not. I am told consistently you do not look 39 years old. I tell everyone that my secret which is no secret at all is soap and water. Yes, skin care begins with washing your face and washing the face carefully. All of which we know from our parents that teach us about skin care etc. since we were 3 years old. Never think that skincare is difficult just use what you have and keep the skin clean that alone is a lot. A clean face declog the pores and the skin can breathe and the skin is relieved from a dirty canvas that is caused by the environment as well as products we use on the face such as makeup, etc.
I strongly recommend the Hydra Oil because of these main factors :
1. antioxidant and an essential oil
2. hydration for the skin
3. correct uneven skin tone
4. helps mature skin
5. diminish scars
6. diminish stretch marks-this product can be used on the body too
I like to note that with skin care it takes time so don't get discourage if results are not as fast as you like but remain persistent with a good skin care regimen and in time you will find what you need and what works good for your skin.
For more information on the product called HYDRA OIL check out the website www.hydra-oil.com
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