Have you ever been in love before and now that you are single you seem to be afraid to love again? I know that may seem crazy but really it is not.If you ever been hurt or lied to or even abused emotionally then you can understand what I'm saying right now.I have been in love and know what it is like and I seem to not be able to get the love feeling back.Love Feeling? I'm gonna define that right now if you can give me a second.
Love Feeling is like loving someone regardless of what's going on because you want to be with that special someone as much as often and emotions are greatly succeeded beyond your expectations.There is other issues surrounded around the emotions and that is emotional doubts. Doubts about if that person is fooling you or is that person really into me or just who I am and what I'm about/curiosity etc. What makes or create doubts about true love is experiences with one being neglected and hurt emotionally not just by a lover but by people in general. It's really hard to love if you can't trust.
Trust is very crucial and can greatly determine a relationship success or fail.When you give your all and you trust someone to share your emotions and put all efforts into a person and then the trust is broken that is heading for disaster in the the worst kind of way. The question is whether to stay or let go? There's no trust what is love if no trust is involved.What is love without your conscience being peaceful when you say I Love You. Do you mean it or you just say it because you feel the one needs to hear it?
Trust is gone so doesn't commitment gets involved now. Trust and Comitment comes together. If you can't trust then you can say goodbye to dedication to ones most precious heart desire is committing to ones other half.If there is no trust and no commitment then love doesn't exist.Does it?
Love is hard to find and can be emotionally depressing.Love exist and it is real because I saw that everyday being around my family, my mom and dad for example married at the age of 21 and 23. They stayed together until they departed this earth and now living in Heaven with God. I know love is real but is love or has finding love better now 2014 or better in a century or few back in time?
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