Hi today i would like to give thanks to God and to all who support my you tube channel. I hope everyone have a great THANKSGIVING weekend with family and friends. I will be traveling a little bit so i cant wait to get out and enjoy some time away from the house and spend time with family and shop a little, well I'm gonna try to shop a little to the best of my ability. I'm actually deleting the emails with so many deals and discounts that different stores are offering just so I can remain on budget and be wise lol.

     I been wanting to write a few things that has been on my mind as well. If anyone knows that being or doing you tube videos is something i do for fun. My channel pertains to Beauty and all things related to makeup and fashion etc. I have  a wonderful time on you tube and i enjoy my channel so much. I would have never imagine like a few years back that i would have a you tube channel. I watch many women on you tube and never ever did i ever think i would be doing videos and actually having my own channel. I love my channel and i constantly do my best to satisfy all subscribers and viewers but you know you cant please everyone but you know that is just how it is in the world you cant please everyone lol.

     I received an email today from a subscriber or shall i say an ex subscriber stating that a video that i made like 3 months ago or more don't remember the video is too far back but any way the ex subscriber didn't like me chewing gum in the video LMAO! GUM! Wow ok i have been laughing the whole evening and think its really funny because gum has nothing to do with skills and if it was annoying then just don't watch the video lol. I don't mean to be rude but that is too funny. I have been a subscriber and I still subscribe to certain channels and its ok to not be a subscriber if the channel doesn't appeal to you then don't subscribe. It is that simple and very easy to do and i never take a video so serious like that i mean even though women or men that do makeup and do it well or great or fantastic doesn't mean that he or she isn't human.


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