Sometimes in this life we have situations that relate to other things. We go to school and we learn a lot about different studies such as english, science, and math. Sometimes we can experience things in life that kinda relates back to our school days of studies and even the experiences. The point I'm trying to explain is this, we can have alot of negative things come our way but you know that the math study or course teaches that two negatives make a positve. For instance, we can experience alot of terrible things from people but you know that negativity makes us stronger in time. We take the negative influence and develop strength that makes us stronger as we grow older. If you can remember we study in math courses that two positives make a positive. If we get a pat on the shoulder, nice compliments or if we smile and get a smile back then that is a great description of the equation of positive make a positive. We can receive a positive remark or comment and then receive a negative response that equals to a negative equation.This is the positive and a negative equals a negative equation. It is like someone say something nice to you today and tomorrow the person says something terrible. This conception is negative because the person seem to be not sincere or just not stable with the friendship or communication with you. The equation of positive and a negative equals a negative can be vice verse. There is the equation of a negative and a positive equals a negative. In example, he or she can be very offensive to judgement about he or she but he or she can be defensive about judging somebody else. This person obviously is unbalance. Life is good and its tough but we must be strong. We should live our lives to the greatest and never let this equation of mathematics enter our world of emotional stability. The equation that seems normal and rightly deserved for all of us is that two negatives equal a positive. We know that we are not perfect so that is a negative but we also know that God made us to be not a perfect human being so that is positive. All of the other equations depend on the person. If you want negativity then you express negativity and you will receive it back. If you are unstable and you are a negative and a positive person then you will be somewhat normal but life will be extremely hard and difficult. Why not live life in harmony and love one another that is the greatest equation. The equation of love plus love equals love.


This blog is written and inspired by people who love to discourage other people to delay a person potential to succeed. I know that what a person express to someone other than themselves  whether good or bad that person shall and will receive the same back.
