THE DREAM is so real and so true.I am the dream and what all have come to be right now is THE DREAM that DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. dreamed that would be one day in and at the time the future for all man kind.Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. is one of the best inspirational speaker of all time. He inspired me when i look at videos of all he done and all he faced for man kind to have equality for natural things like rights to be a citizen.I am truly thankful for all HE did and all HE accomplished because he knocked down the walls, the cruel and inhuman labels that was put on the earth that was not intended by God.

     I write today about DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. because i can never forget the love and the passion he had for human rights for all men. I cant forget the positive theory to unite all man kind. I remembered when i was younger growing up and studying about DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. and all he faced and  all he sacrificed for human rights would make me cry. I would be so sad because all he was doing was what we all needed as human to live in harmony. I'm so happy to know that someone was bold and strong enough to do what was right and what was and is in God's will which is we are all Brothers and Sisters in God sight and we are all one. The same blood and the same body but we all have our unique looks that God made by HIS MIGHTY HANDS. We are made from God.

     I have spoke about my struggles with other people teasing me and making me feel less because of my features and what im made of. I had a difficult time in my life, actually my early years of life, which is my child hood.I  remember being asked why you talk like that or why your hair color is two tone and why you so light skinned etc. You would think that i would have forgotten about all that but when your hurt at an early age the pain is there and you never forget because you was young and could not understand the situation. I cried each and everyday for God to help me through the day because i just couldn't stand it when i was laughed at or talked about and even confronted by many about my looks. I was so exhausted from the constant reminder that i was different. What is DIFFERENT?

     DIFFERENT is not so different when it comes to all men. I have two eyes,two legs,two arms,two ears,feet,mouth,nose, etc. I cried, Why everyone don't like like me and why they say i look this way and that i was different." Oh God Help Me!" i cried many times. Yes that was how i felt at the time and that feeling lasted all through school until i graduated from High School. My life changed as i got older and i saw myself and realize that what was said is not true that I am who i am. My Mama took me to church and God helped me to understand how life is and its good times  and its struggles.I eventually received and accepted myself and I wouldn't change myself for nothing in this world. God made me this way and I know that all things God creates is GOOD and He SMILES upon it with LOVE. I am GOD's CHILD that is good enough.

     I write today because I Honor all of what DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. did for this country and His recognition across the world. I wrote about my background history just to give an idea as to what i have experience in my life and how that DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. inspired me. We all can continue his DREAM.We should LOVE each other make this world a beautiful, wonderful, and loving world that God intended for the world to be like for all humans. LOVE other people the way that you LOVE yourself.

